Friday, October 27, 2017


Gastritis is an inflammation caused by irritation on the lining of the stomach, which makes the lining red and swollen. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes, which help break down food for digestion, and produces mucus which protect the stomach lining from acid. When the stomach lining is inflamed it produces less acid, enzymes and mucus making it vulnerable for bacteria to thrive, gastritis may be acute or chronic depending on the severity of the inflammation.
Peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the stomach, it is a disease caused by a bacteria Helicobacter pylori. The bacteria produces substances that weaken the mucous lining and cause the stomach to get burned. Peptic ulcer can be classified into; gastric ulcer, duodenum ulcer and esophagus ulcer, depending on the area of attack.

Gastritis differs from peptic ulcer, though they are closely related and have similar symptoms, this is why a lay man will refer to gastritis as ulcer, but the fact remains that an untreated gastritis can progress into peptic ulcer or stomach cancer.

Common symptoms of gastritis and peptic ulcer
  1. Nausea
  2. Indigestion
  3. Bloating
  4. Belching
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. Abdominal pain
  7. Vomiting
  8. Weight loss
  9. Heartburn

Gastritis is the body's response to an infection with helicobacter pylori, in the early stages of infection, the body attempt to flush the infection out of the stomach by increasing production of gastric acids. The bacterium is highly acid resistant, it find it way to the stomach wall and reduces acid production in the stomach which can create the low acid conditions in which other viral of fungal infection can flourish.
Acute gastritis
This occurs immediately an irritating chemical enters the stomach, which becomes toxic to the stomach lining
Chronic gastritis
Chronic gastritis is a condition that makes you feel full after eating just a few bites. It slowly occur over time as opposed to acute gastritis which occurs suddenly, in some cases it is associated with ulcer and may increase the risk for stomach cancer

Gastritis symptoms
Most people with gastritis do not have any symptoms, but some may experience the following symptoms:
  1. Belching
  2. Eating very little and feeling full
  3. Vomiting with clear, green or yellow substance
  4. All symptoms under common symptom above
Chronic gastritis is a risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and malignant gastric tumors

Who is at risk?
Everyone is at risk:
  1. When your diet increase the acidic content of your stomach
  2. When you frequently eat large amounts of fats and oil
  3. If you eat lots of citrus fruits
  4. If you drink too much of coffee
  5. If you frequently get hungry
  6. If you get hungry suddenly especially while chewing gum
  7. If you live a stressful and traumatic life
  8. If you get angry all the time because it increase the acid in your stomach
  9. If you have a weak immune system
Peptic ulcer
Peptic ulcer is an open sore that develop on the lining of the stomach, the esophagus and the upper part of the small intestine (duodenum) it occurs when acid in the digestive tracts eat the inner surface of the stomach or small intestine and cause an ulcer to form, the acid can create a painful open sore that may bleed
Gastric ulcer
Gastric ulcer occurs on the inside of the stomach
Duodenal ulcer
Duodenal ulcer occurs on the inside of the upper portion of the small intestine
Esophagus ulcer
This occurs in the lower end of the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach, called esophagus. It is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or diseases that make the immune system weak and often associated with bad case of acid reflux

Peptic ulcer signs and symptoms
  1. Burning stomach pains
  2. Fatty food intolerance
  3. Trouble breathing
  4. Blood in stool
  5. Blood in vomit
  6. Black stool with unusual colour
  7. All symptoms under common symptoms above
Risk factor of peptic ulcer
  1. H. pylori bacteria infection
  2. Tobacco use
  3. Alcohol use
  4. Spicy food
  5. Peppery food
  6. Untreated stress
  7. Nonsteroidal drugs, e.g aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 
These factors do not cause ulcers but can make it worse and difficult to treat and heal

  1. Factors that increase risk should be avoided, in order to reduce stomach irritation and to allow stomach to heal fast
  2. Avoid the use of aspirin and other non inflammatory drugs
  3. Psychological distress should be addressed
  4. Avoid spicy foods, coffee, smoking and alcohol
  1. Herbs: cucumber, ginger, aloe vera gel, turmeric 
  2. Water stops irritation and heals
  3. Alkaline rich diets 
  4. Exercise 
  5. Acupuncture  therapy 

Foods and drugs to avoid
  1. Fried foods
  2. Processes foods
  3. Junk foods
  4. Acidic foods
  5. Coffee
  6. Alcohol
  7. Smoking
  8. Carbonated drinks
  9. Aspirin, ibuprofen etc
  10. Hot chilli pepper
  11. All fries

You can live gastritis and ulcer free life if only you are able to detect those foods that irritate your stomach and walk away from them


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