Friday, November 24, 2017


Memory problem is a frequent occurrence that can sometimes lead to severe memory loss if not treated, it is a normal part of ageing but it is also a known truth that young and healthy people also experience memory problems. Sometimes it takes us more longer to learn new things, misplace things that we could not remember where it is kept, or we forget valuable informations, the most annoying is while you were still talking you lost track of your next sentence. These may be symptoms of Alzheimer's or another dementia, but it may not be an issue to worry about if it's occurrence is not too frequent.
There are many causes of memory problem and each should be treated according to it's cause

Types of memory problem
  1. Dementia - slow decline in memory, problem solving ability and learning ability which can occur several times in a week
  2. Alzheimer disease - a brain disease that causes slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills
  3. Delirium - this is a sudden change in how well a person's brain is working, it can cause confusion, change in the sleep-wake circle and cause unusual behavior
  4. Amnesia - this is memory loss that may be caused by head injury, substance abuse, stroke or a severe emotional event such as motor accident.
Some reasons for memory problem
  1. Alzheimer disease
  2. Insomnia
  3. Ageing
  4. Emotional problems
  5. Stress
  6. Technology overload
  7. Alcohol abuse
  8. Drug abuse
  9. Blood vessel disease
  10. Damage to the brain
  11. Hormonal changes as in pregnancy and menopausal problems
  12. Medical conditions e g mental health, thyroid problem, diabetes etc
The most common of brain problem is alzheimer disease it is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory thinking and reasoning skills, simply means progressive loss of brain cells and other irregularities of the brain. It can be bad because it can lead to making mistakes at work, school and home

Some warning signs and symptoms 
  1. Memory problem that disrupt daily life
  2. Confusion with time or place
  3. Confusion with colours and patterns
  4. Trouble understanding visuals 
  5. Difficulty completing simple task at home or workplace
  6. Misplacing things and loosing the ability to remember
  7. Challenges in solving problems
Ageing gracefully
Alzheimer disease is the most common cause of dementia in people older than age 65. They have trouble understanding somethings, sometimes they may forget where they are, or how they got there, get confused about the day of the week but figure it out later, most times they have trouble following a conversation, also make bad decisions once a while.
All of these can be prevented if one start early enough to take care of the brain by boosting it with the right foods and supplements.

Tips to improve memory
  1. Read, read and read
  2. Keep a notebook to write things down
  3. Listen to audio repeatedly
  4. Hold on to important visuals to remember
  5. Say it loud
  6. Do regular selftest by reciting sentences
  7. Eat healthy
Some brain boosting nutrients and herbs
  1. Ginkgo biloba -  it is a potent brain antioxidant it also improves circulation to the brain
  2. Zinc - promotes intelligence development, improve memory and absent minded
  3. Omega 3 fatty acids - this is a major components of neuron membranes and can help protect memory
  4. Flower essence - it's a mild sedative herb, helps you sleep better, making brain to function better 
Treating memory problems
Treatment for memory loss depends on the cause. In many cases, it may be reversible with treatment, in others memory may improve over time.
For example, memory loss from medications may resolve with a change in medication. 
Nutritional supplements can be useful against memory loss caused by a nutritional deficiency. 
Treating depression may be helpful for memory when depression is a factor. 
In some cases such as following a stroke therapy may help people remember how to do certain tasks such as walking or tying shoes. 
Treatments may also be specific to conditions related to memory loss. For example treating high blood pressure can help reduce risk of more brain damage from memory problem related to high blood pressure

The best way to fight memory problem is to eat right, and exercise the body and brain regularly


  1. This article is helpful mother suffer from Alzheimer

  2. She needs more love and understanding with right diet.
    You can remove meat completely from her diet, let her feed on lots of fish, it will be good to introduce omega 3 fatty acid



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