Monday, January 1, 2018


Welcome to 2018
Living a drug free life is within your reach, by making just few changes in lifestyle and unhealthy behaviours can help you achieve this, in this writeup for the beginning of the year we shall be discussing the steps you can take that Will make today healthier than yesterday and pave the way for healthy tomorrow.

1. Eating healthy
Eating more of foods that grow on trees and less of processed or manufactured foods will keep you out of hospitals and boost your health, As Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) rightly said, "let food be your medicine and medicine be your food", the farther we get from natural foods the less healthy it is for our bodies, processed foods are harder to breakdown and do not provide the necessary nutrients that natural foods do, eating lots of fruits and vegetables will make you feel energetic and alive.
Your breakfast is very important, eat it like a king, eat your lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar, do not skip your breakfast for any reason because the brain and body needs it to function properly throughout the day, you can decide to eat heavy meal for lunch but be mindful of your calorie intake, make your dinner very light and do not eat late into the night, learn to introduce varieties and colours to your food.

2. Be active and productive
Sedentary life will make the body adapt to insufficient physical activity and can also lead to substantial decrease in both total and quality of life, sitting for more than seven hours a day or lying for more than nine hours a day is considered a sedentary life and can send one to early grave. Being productive helps get out of sedentary life and and add quality to life.

3. Drink more water
Water is necessary to life, it is the most important part of healthy lifestyle and you should drink between 8 to 14 glasses of water per day, depending on your body weight, temperature and daily activities

  1. Water is the substance of life
  2. It gives you energy and vitality 
  3. Water transports and metabolizes
  4. Water remove toxins
  5. It protects the heart
  6. Gives the brain a boost
  7. Keeps you alert
  8. Help lose weight etc.

4.  Avoid stress
Stress is a key contributor to poor health, it is the body's response to pressure of life causing mental, emotional or physical wreck as a result of anxiety, overwork, marital, and financial disorder, which will eventually give birth to frustration, depression, bad temper sleeplessness etc. Man is like elastic that has it's limit to stretch, when a person is stretched/stressed, the body react and the result is health damaging. Everyone has a stress breaking point, when we are stretched to the maximum limit, it shows and tells on our person, avoid stress totally or bring it to the minimum to live a healthy life.

5. Sleep well
Sleep is very essential to a good health, body, mind and mood, it nourishes and energises the body, makes you feel refreshed and recuperated, inadequate sleep will have a negative impact on your brain and body making the body to become sluggish, having physical wreck and mental disturbances, headache and social imbalances, these can lead to hosts of health problems like heart diseases, dementia, diabetes and lots more

6. Get more sun
The amount of daylight exposure is vital in maintaining normal healthy life, naturally sun helps your body clock restart to it's active daytime routine, the most notable benefit of the sun is the ability to boost the body's Vitamin. D supply. Vitamin. D is produced by the skin response to UV radiation primarily through sun exposure, it naturally help prevent illnesses like inflammation, seasonal disorders and depression while it increases the serotonin levels in the body making you more active and alert, it prevent the skin from melanoma, help with lowering of high blood pressure, boost energy, promote bone growth, improve eyesight, improve blood circulation and the immune system.

7. Avoid salty foods
Salt is good but high salt intake Is bad for the health, it is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, it increases the volume of blood in the blood stream, thickening the blood vessels and forming blood clots, reducing the heart ability to pump blood around the body and making the heart to work harder by putting more pressure on blood vessels, the extra work and pressure stiffen the blood vessels leading to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and it can also lead to heart failure, it is also responsible for kidney stones, and many other health challenges.

8. Avoid sugar
Carbonated drinks and too much of carbohydrate foods are addiction, it feels good when you consume them but can wreck havoc on the body, the negative effects of the drinks and excess carbohydrate food on human body cannot be over emphasized, apart from the dangerous high sugar contents it poccess studies have found that it can actually destroy bones, contributes to the obesity epidemic and trigger hormonal imbalance, it also increases insulin levels which can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, premature aging it also causes erosion of teeth, ulcer and many more negative effects.

9. Exercise
Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss, when you engage in physical exercise you burn calories and it gives you energy to function better in your daily activities, it oxygenate the body, improve memory, strengthen the bones, lower blood pressure, and maintais mobility, exercising for at least 30 minutes daily can improve your health and decrease the risk of diseases

 10. Enjoy some level of socials
We are social beings and our social life is one of the most important influences on our health, our body, soul and mind can fall apart without social relationship.
Relating with people by socializing naturally develops ones communication skills which eventually leads to good social skills, when these tools are positively applied it is good for the body, soul and mind, thereby no reason for any heart related diseases like high blood pressure. Socials has lots of health benefits even as we age into older adults keeping mental and physical health in peak condition and also boost the immune system. You are responsible for your own happiness, get social and live healthy.

11. Cell phone
Heavy cell phone use and other wireless gadgets including your microwave oven have the potential to cause all sorts of health problems ranging from headaches to brain tumors and cancer, cell phone use could also make you have a neck and backache, cause inflammation to the joints, kill the spine and damage the eye sight, affects the heart and sperm motility in men,  it is advisable not to put the cell phone in your breast pocket or trouser pockets, learn to answer calls by the left ear because using the right ear will directly affect the brain and cut down on use of microwave oven because it kill the bones.



  1. Since I came to this understanding for 3yrs now I have better health.

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Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by viruses, toxic substances, excess deposition of fat, allergic reactions or overdoses...