Monday, January 8, 2018


Hiccup is a sudden contraction of the diaphragm causing irritable spasms on the diaphragm muscle, as the muscle contracts repeatedly the opening between the vocal cords snaps shut to check in inflow of air and makes the hiccup to sound. that can occur for some seconds or minutes, but in few cases last longer in some individuals with or without underlying medical problem. Irritation of the nerves that extended from the neck to the chest can also cause hiccups, many conditions can cause this irritations that results in hiccuping, the likely medical condition for hiccup is good for most people, It is sometimes thought to be a reflex to protect a person from chocking but it's lingering effects causes social embarrassment and distress, the chronic hiccup may result in eating, sleeping and speech disorders. 

Some causes of hiccups
  1. Eating or drinking too quickly
  2. Over eating 
  3. Gum chewing
  4. Liver problem
  5. Noxious fumes
  6. Brain tumour
  7. Stroke
  8. Alcohol and smoking
  9. Some medication
  10. Anxiety and stress
  11. Throat irritation
  12. Damage to vagus and phrenic nerves
  13. Drinking much of carbonated beverages
Hiccups are rarely a cause for concern, but sometimes may become frequent, chronic and persistent, interfering with daily activities and social life, it comes up suddenly and sometimes violently causing unusual breathing activities with a hic sound. Most simple cases of hiccups comes after eating or drinking too much, causing the stomach to be distended and irritated. Hiccup sometimes occur because of disturbance to the nerve pathways from the brain to the muscles involved, this explain why hiccup may occur with temperature changes or emotional situations it is also the reason why a sudden shock can sometimes do away with an attack, persistent hiccup may signify problem in the brain, spinal cord or any of the structures around the diaphragm or chest wall.

Causes of unstoppable hiccups
  1. Damage to the vagus and phrenic
  2. Damage to the liver
  3. Swelling and infection on the diaphragm
  4. Some medications that can cause acid reflux
  5. Diseases that irritates the nerves that control the diaphragm
Area of intereferance that needed urgent care
  1. Eating disorder
  2. Sleep disorder
  3. Reflux of food
  4. Vomiting
  5. Abdominal pain
  6. Fever
  7. Shortness of breath
  8. Spitting up blood
  9. Feeling as if the throat is going to close up
Most hiccups will stop on their own, but there are various types of remedy for curing hiccups, these includes; home remedy, herbal and acupuncture.

  1. Simply holding your breath is effective
  2. Breathing techniques
  3. Belching out air through the mouth
  4. Drink a glass of water quickly
  5. Breathing into a paper bag
  6. Use peppermint oil
  7. Bite on a lemon
  8. Pull hard on your tongue
  9. Gargle with water
  10. Place sugar on the back of your tongue
  11. Acupuncture
A deep massage on the acupuncture points will reverse the ababnormal Chi flow in the stomach and stop hiccups

The temporary minor annoyance called hiccups can be prevented by avoiding over eating, eating too quickly, or drinking too much and quickly.

Hiccups in children
Hiccups in newborns, infants and babies are common even babies hiccup in the stomach, there is generally nothing to worry about, this may be caused by overfeeding which leads to the distention of the stomach of the baby or caused by gastro-esophageal reflux in babies, usually the hiccups go away on its own but you can help the child by changing the baby's position or burpping the baby, placing a piece of thread on the baby's fontanelle (soft spot) when hiccuping will not and cannot stop hiccups in babies, it is only a myth.
To help babies stop hiccuping; feed the baby in an upright position, hold the baby for about 20 minutes after feeding, make sure the baby belch before lying down.

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