Sunday, October 22, 2017


The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth, it is a pink tissue called mucosa, covered with moist and tiny bumps called papillae which give the tongue its rough texture, thousand of taste buds covers the surfaces of the papillae, the taste buds are collection of nerves like cells that connect to nerves running into the brain. The four common tastes of the tongue are sweet, sour, bitter and salty, a fifth taste called umame results from tasting glutamate (present in MSG) the tongue has many nerves that help detect and transmit taste signal to the brain, because of this all parts of the tongue can detect this four common tastes.

Tongue functions
      1.  Taste: the tongue allow you detect taste
      2.  Mastication: the tongue is used for crushing food against the hard palate
      3.  Lubrication: the tongue produce and secretes fluid for the saliva
      4.  Swallowing: the tongue moves food to help you chew and swallow
      5.  Speech: the tongue aids in the formation of speech and sound
      6.  Diagnosis: tells you if you are sick or healthy

Healthy tongue
A healthy tongue is pink and covered with small nodules called papillae, any deviation from your tongue normal appearance or any pain on the tongue is a course for concern. For clues on your tongue; check your tongue on a daily basis when you brush your teeth and tongue, any discoloration, lumps, sores or pain should be monitored and evaluated.

Unhealthy tongue
Unhealthy tongue can be frustrating and uncomfortable and this may be because of some health problems, there are variety of causes for a number of common tongue symptoms, in some cases it can indicate more serious health conditions including vitamin deficiencies, AIDS or oral cancer.

Tongue 'n' health
The tongue has relationship and connection with the body, this makes it important and one of the major pillars of diagnosis, the others pillars of diagnosis are the pulse, the eyes, the nails etc. The tongue present strong visual indications of a persons overall health during inspection for confirmation of diagnosis.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the tongue has a special relationship with the heart, in that the heart is open to the tongue, a normal and healthy tongue in Traditional Chinese Medicine has a light red or pinkish body with a thin white coating.
In TCM the condition of the tongue is influenced by daily lifestyle and provides information about individual states of health.
    1.  Crack tongue denotes internal dryness
    2.  Tooth imprints reflects spleen deficiency
    3.   Coating colours:
 *  white - stagnation of blood, fat and mucus deposition or                 weakness in the blood leading to anaemia
 *  Pale - indicates low hemoglobin, fatigue and weakness, it is also associated with pain in     the lungs and colon
 *  Dark red - indicates inflammation, lesions or ulceration and degeneration of related              organs
 *  Bright red - indicates your body lack essential nutrients like Vit. B complex and iron
 *  Yellow - reflects disorders of liver and gallbladder resulting in excess secretion of  
   bile and possible inflammation
 *  Purple blue - indicates stagnation of blood circulation and a weakening of the  
   part of the digestive system that correspond to the area of the tongue where the
   colour appears
 *  Purple green - reflects disorders of blood vessels, blood quality and circulation
 *  Purple - reflects disorders of the lymphatic and circulatory system, it indicates a
   weakening of the immune system and blood vessels

TCM diagnosis
  1. Tongue tip: reflects the condition of the heart
  2. Tongue inner tip: reflects the condition of the lung
  3. Tongue center: reflects the condition of stomach and spleen
  4. Tongue sides: reflects the condition of the liver and gall bladder
  5. Back of tongue: reflects the condition of kidneys, bladder and intestines

Pain in the tongue
A number of different conditions can result in pain or the presence of abnormalities like bumps, ulcers, sores, swelling, or burning of the tongue, problems can result from infections, tumors, chronic medical conditions, trauma or toxins, inflammation may occur on any part of the tongue

Causes of pain
  1. Fever                                              
  2. Mouth ulcers 
  3. Dry mouth                                      
  4. Oral cancer
  5. Dehydration                        
  6. Burnt tongue
  7. Candida infection                          
  8. Leukoplakia
  9. Diabetic neuropathy.                    
  10. Minor infection or irritations
  11. Pain from the heart.                     
  12. Smoking
  13. Injury such as biting the tongue 

Colour changes 
Colour changes may occur when;
  1. The tongue is inflamed
  2. Papillae are lost, causing tongue to appear smooth
  3. When the individual is lacking vitamin B12
  4. Geographic tongue; is a patchy form of glossitis where the location of inflammation and the appearance of the tongue changes from day to day

Some causes of tongue swelling
A swollen or enlarged tongue indicates presence of a problem which could be any the following:
  1.  Infection
  2.  Leukemia
  3.  Hypothyroidism
  4.  Strep infection
  5.  Angioedema
  6.  Amyloidosis
  7.  Allergic reaction to food and medicines

Tongue indications
*  Tongue body colour
*  Tongue body shape
*  Tongue body features
*  Tongue body moisture
*  Tongue body coating
*  Tongue coat thickness
*  Tongue body cracks
*  Tongue coat root

Self examination
Practice the act of daily self examination
The tongue and floor of the mouth are the two important sites to always check on.

Tongue health
Brush your tongue softly each day, be careful not to destroy the papillae with hard brush

Enjoy a healthy tongue



Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by viruses, toxic substances, excess deposition of fat, allergic reactions or overdoses...