Monday, November 27, 2017


Toothache is a pain that occurs in and around a tooth because of irritation or inflammation of the central portion of the tooth called pulp which contains nerve endings that are sensitive to pain. If you have suffered toothache before you will understand the intensity of the pain involved, it can range from mild to very severe pain, it can appear suddenly or slowly developed overtime. Toothache can affect both children and adults and can range from mild to unbearable pain

Some reasons for toothache includes:
  1. Dental infection
  2. Injury
  3. Cracked teeth
  4. Loss of tooth
  5. Jaw joints problem
  6. Tooth extraction
  7. A damaged filling
  8. Tooth decay etc. 
Symptoms of toothache
Pain in the tooth and mouth is the primary symptom of a toothache, but this pain can present itself in diverse ways:
  1. Sharp sudden pain
  2. Deep throbbing pain
  3. Pain that is localized around a particular tooth
  4. Toothache that occurred when pressure is applied
  5. Pain that radiate to the jaw or ears
  6. Pain that radiate to shoulder, head or neck
  7. Swelling, painful gum
  8. Fever
  9. Increased sensitivity to heat or cold
  10. Pain that worsen when chewing
  11. Pain that interferes with your sleep
  12. Bleeding gums and redness around the gums
Tooth decay is the damage that occurs to the teeth when the bacteria in the mouth turns the sugar and carbohydrate food in the mouth into acids which in turn form a plaque on the surface of the teeth and gum, as the bacteria feeds they make acids, the acid attack the teeth making layers of a sticky substance called plaque, the more layers the more the damage, and as this happens over time the acid destroy tooth enamel causing tooth decay, this may lead to a hole in the tooth if not treated. Tooth decay can cause pain, infection and tooth loss. Tooth decay is the most common cause of toothache, children whose teeth are still growing can have tooth decay, this is because the minerals in the teeth are not very strong and are easier for acids to eat away, even babaies can be at risk for tooth decay they are not born with decay causing bacteria in their mouth, but they can get the bacteria from adults who share spoons with them.

Possible causes of tooth decay
  1. Poor dental hygiene
  2. Improperly nutrition
  3. Sugary foods and drinks
  4. carbohydrate foods
  5. Acidic foods and drinks
  6. Tooth grinding
  7. Dry mouth
  8. Diabetes
  9. Smoking
A tooth has 3 layers
  1. The hard outer layer called enamel
  2. The middle layer called dentrin
  3. The center of the tooth called pulp
You have a responsibility to keep your teeth and gum healthy and strong. 
Your mouth is the mirror of your body and the health of your teeth and mouth are linked to your overall health and wellbeing; a healthy mouth indicates a healthy lifestyle. 
Poor dental health will adversely affect speech and self esteem but a sparkling white teeth will give a confident smile. 
Take a good step now to prevent cavity, avoid toothache and gum disease. 

Your teeth is not a tool
Don't treat your teeth like tools, using it as tools can lead to premature wear and tear, causing permanent damage. The teeth is designed for biting an chewing foods, using them otherwise can cause them to chip, sometimes causing toothache.

Treatment for toothache depends on the cause possible, neglecting or delaying appropriate treatment with effective remedies can exacerbate the condition and make treatment lots more expensive.
1. An excellent way to reduce swelling and pain caused by toothache is to rinse your mouth with a mixture of warm salt water, this help decrease any inflammation of the gum.
2. Clove: rich in eugenol, and used in dental products, thanks to it's antimicrobial properties, and potency as a natural pain killer, soak cotton ball in a few drops of clove oil and place on the affected teeth.
3. Garlic: one of the most popular and widely used of all remedies in the treatment of dental disease and oral care. Peel a clove of garlic make into a smooth paste and use the cotton ball to pack and put on affected teeth, leave it there overnight.
4. Hydrogen peroxide: the rinse with hydrogen peroxide help to relief pain, inflammation and heal bleeding gum, dilute before use

Acupuncture points
You can massage these points 30 minutes daily for effective relief and wellbeing, if you do this well enough you may not need other treatments

Treating plague

  1. Brush with bicarbonate of soda with a mixture of apple cider vinegar once a week
  2. Gargle with coconut oil before brushing
  3. Use fluoride, it is nature cavity fighter
  4. Eat food that protect your teeth e.g salmon
Teeth friendly food
  1. Onion
  2. Citrus fruits
  3. Nuts and seeds
  4. Green tea
  5. Fatty fish e.g salmon
  6. Chesse
Healthy tips
  1. Brush your teeth twice daily
  2. Avoid over brushing
  3. Floss your teeth always
  4. Snacks regularly on onion
  5. Avoid tobacco 
  6. Avoid high sugar and starchy foods

Show your teeth some love
Healthy teeth! Healthy you
Sparkling teeth! Confident you

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