Saturday, November 18, 2017


Asthma is a condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow, swell and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breath, when the symptom is triggered it becomes more swollen and the muscles around the airways tightens. It is a long term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs, if asthma is left unmanaged it can be deadly, but a person can always live a productive life with asthma. Asthma is caused by two factors these are: genetic and environmental factors and the risk factors are air pollution and allergens. It is always advisable to identify and avoid allergens that may trigger the cause of attack on individual.

There are two types is asthma
  1. Allergic: caused by exposure to an allergen
  2. Non allergic: caused by stress, exercise, illnesses like cold and flu, exposure to extreme weather, irritants in the air, some medications and over eating.
  1.  Wheezing
  2. Chest tightness
  3. Shortness of breathe
  4. Difficulty breathing
  5. Coughing: especially at night, when crying, during exercise and when laughing
  1. Allergens
  2. Smoke and tobacco
  3. Stress 
  4. Tension
  5. Depression
  6. Lung infection
  7. Certain foods
  8. Heartburn
  9. Exercise
  10. Genetic factor
  1. Pollen from grass, trees and weeds
  2. Dust, pets, mold and mites
  3. Certain drugs and food addictives
  4. Irritants such as smoke, perfumes, strong odour, chemical fumes
  5. Exercise
  6. Stress
  7. Weather conditions: cold, extreme dry, wet or windy weather
Asthma attack can be mild (acute), these may last for few minutes and be resolved spontaneously. It may also be severe (chronic), these may last from hours to days

Pediatric asthma
This is the most common serious chronic disease in infants and children, it may appear as wheezing when breathing in some children. Unmanaged asthma can cause dangerous asthma attack interfering with the child's play, school, sport and sleep.

Common children asthma symptoms
  1. Frequent coughing
  2. Wheezing sound
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Chest congestion or tightness
  5. Chest pain
  6. Trouble sleeping
  7. Trouble breathing
  1. Increased immune system sensitivity
  2. Viral infections e.g cough and flu
  3. Exposure to air pollutants
  4. Allergic to dust and pets fur and molds
  5. Weather changes
Occupational asthma
People with this condition usually work around chemical fumes, dust or other irritants in the air and if already diagnosed with asthma from another cause it can be worsened by chemical fumes and other irritants at work.
Note: If chemicals and other irritants at your workplace makes it difficult for you to breath, it is possible you are asthmatic.

Workers at risk
  1. Detergent users and manufacturer
  2. Painters and Paints manufacturer
  3. Drugs manufacturer
  4. Famers
  5. Plastic workers
  6. Metal workers
  7. Wood workers 
  8. Millers etc.
Exercise induced asthma
Symptoms developed when airways narrow as a result of physical exertion, it is as a result of loss of heat, water or both from the lungs during exercise because of quickly breathing in air that is drier than what is already in the body

  1. Tightness in the chest
  2. Decreased endurance
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Cough
  5. Stomach upset
  6. Sore throat
If by any chance you start wheezing or coughing during exercise or if physical exertion makes it difficult to breath, it is likely you are asthmatic.

Asthma friendly foods
Healthy diet gives asthma patient antioxidants and nutrients to fight environmental toxins, control inflammation and reduce dietary triggers. Foods rich in Magnesium, Vitamins E, C, and B5, Folate, red-carotenoids and omega 3 (fish) are good for asthmatic patients.
  1. Avocado
  2. Broccoli
  3. Spinach
  4. Sunflower seed
  5. Ginger
  6. Turmeric 
  7. Garlic
  8. Chia seed
  9. Flax seed
  10. Tomatoes
Foods bad for asthma
In other to avoid attacks, asthma patients should stay away from foods and other things that is known to/may trigger the attack:
  1. All fries
  2. White bread
  3. Cookies 
  4. Chips
  5. Burger
  6. Spicy foods
  7. Milk
  8. Pizza
Most asthmatics rely on medication and inhalers to manage the symptoms, but turning to conventional medicine alone for cure may not give desired result, in that the cause of the problem still remains while symptoms may have dissapeared. At this junction I will introduce some acupuncture points and herbs to stop inflammation, regulates breathing and possibly prevent further occurrence

Acupuncture points

Applying pressure to this points regularly brings healing and clear up blockages on the channels to enhance overall wellbeing

Herbs for asthma
Turmeric: Fights inflammation
Garlic: An antioxidants, cleanses the chest also serves as antibiotics, antispasmodic, antifungal etc.
Ginger: Also an antioxidant, help fight free radicals

Deep breathing
Take deep breath to control your heart rate and lossen up tension in the chest, inhale with the nose and exhale with the mouth

A cup of coffee will improve the airways function, just one cup to avoid hyperventilation

Get away from triggers
Try to get away as soon as possible from what triggers you, and ask for help if need be

  1. Avoid secondhand smoke e.g wood burning, kerosine stove, cigarettes and others
  2. Stay away from detergents that may trigger the attack
  3. Avoid insecticides, disinfectants, perfumes and other strong odours
  4. Make sure to reduce dust mites at home etc. 

Discover the cause of your attack
Get away from triggers
Live healthy, stay healthy

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