Thursday, September 28, 2017


Sleep is very essential to good health; just as exercise and nutrition are essential for our overall health and wellness. Sleep nourishes and energizes the body, because it gives the body good rest, when you have a good sleep; you awake feeling refreshed, recuperated and ready for the days activities. The quality of your sleep directly affect the quality of your life, including your mental sharpness, productivity emotional balance, creativity and physical vitality. Sleep is medicine to the body soul and spirit, when the body does not get enough of sleep, it has a negative impact on the total man, the body becomes sluggish, having physical wreck, mental disturbances, headaches and social imbalance.  

Too little or too much of sleep has been linked to a host of health problems, like obesity, heart diseases, dementia, diabetes, Alzheimer, cancer, mood degeneration, poor mental health and lots more. Sleep advantages are numerous which includes:
1. Giving relieve from tension
2. Give rest to brain and body
3. Heal the body's vital organs
4. Rejuvenate and renew the body
5. Improves your memory
6. Reduces chances of getting sick
7. Gives the body a fresh start for the day

Sleep is a soothing balm to the soul,  we sometimes refuse to see the good side of sleep thereby depriving ourselves of good sleep, it is good for us to known that; the shorter you sleep, the shorter your lifespan. You can do yourself a lot of good by improving your quality and hour of sleep and by loving your bedtime.

The benefits of sleep impact nearly every area of our daily life. Making it obvious that sleep is beneficial. When you fail to get your required amount of sufficient sleep, you start to accumulate a sleep debt.

Sleep chart 

Sleeping too much or too little can have adverse effect on our health.

Sleep deprivation
Sleep deprivation is the condition where an individual get less of the hour of sleep that the body needs; which simply means the body is not having enough sleep. It can be chronic or acute.

This state can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness, weight loss or gain, it adversely affect the brain and its function.

This state refers to sleeplessness or a reduction in the usual total sleep time usually lasting one or two days

Some Causes of sleep deprivation
* Late night study
* Hormone imbalance
* Shift work
* Night browsing
* Night clubbing
* Late night movie watching
* Demanding house chores
* Demanding office jobs 
* Symptom of an undiagnosed sleep disorder

Symptoms of sleep deprivation
* Daytime sleepiness
* Yawning
* Moodiness
* Fatigue
* Irritability
* Depressed mood
* Difficulty learning
* Forgetfulness
* Inability to concentrate
* Foggy brain
* Clumsiness
* Food craving
* Diminished sex drive

Effect of sleep deprivation
Sleep loss have a profound impact on both our health and emotion.

The treatment is to satisfy our sleep need is by paying back all accumulated sleep debt, and that is if there is no other hidden medical issues that causes sleeplessness, the negative effect of sleep deprivation will simply reverse when sufficient sleep is obtained

Depriving yourself of good sleep is cheating nature, sleep is good and it helps the body to heal itself without the use of medication, if you have been deriving yourself of good sleep you are gradually loosing your life by reducing your lifespan; you cannot cheat nature and get away with it. But the good news is that you can pay back your sleep debt to get back your life on course but make sure you avoid sleeping pills; it is not a good remedy for healthy sleep because of its injurious effects on memory. 

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