Sunday, September 24, 2017


Stress is a key contributor to poor health, it is the body's response to pressure of life causing mental, emotional or physical strain as a result of anxiety, overwork, marital, and financial disorder, which will eventually give birth to frustration, depression, bad temper sleeplessness etc. Man is like elastic that has it's limit to stretch,  when a person is stretched/stressed, the body react and the result is health damaging. Everyone has a stress breaking point, when we are stretched to the maximum limit, it shows and tells on our person.
The good thing about stress is that it can be controlled by the individual before it degenerates into nervous breakdown which is a more dangerous state of mind that can easily lead to suicide or cause the individual to commit murder. Keeping stress in check will help you manage your overall health much better.

Stress related diseases
1. Heart disease
2. Diabetes
3. Asthma
4. High blood pressure
5. Tension headache

Causes of stress
1. External                                2. Internal
    Noise                                         Envy
    Traffic                                        Anxiety
    Unpaid bills                               Fear
    Conflicts                                    Bad temper
    Marital problems                     Jealously
    Financial problems                  Frustration

Health related issues
Stress may cause
1. Loss of appetite
2. Overeating
3. Gastritis
4. Indigestion
5. Energy drain to low ebb
6. Mood swing
7. Insomnia
8. Loss of libido/ low sperm count

There are no miracle drugs that will cure stress, not even the best of tranquilizer, though they may be of little help, the most effective solution is to find and address the source of your stress, make a list of what you think might be making you stressed up; when you get a full understanding of your problem, it will be easier for you to come back to full health and vitality; bringing you into harmony with self, family, friends and with God all the time.

Self test
1. Is something constantly on your mind?
2. What do you worry about most?
3. Does anything in particular make you sad or depressed?

Healthy way to cope with stress
1. Talking to loved one can ease anxiety
2. Getting enough rest/sleep can do lots of healing
3. Eat healthy diet; but don't over eat
4. Limit intake of caffeine
5. Take time off work; for vacation
6. Balance fun activity with responsibilities
7. Spend time with people you love
8. Exercise regularly

Stress is not an accident, prior to it comes excessive anxiety, worry and emotional strain or disturbance in one form or the other that makes one irritable, moddy, lacks concentration and depress
It is important to know how to manage or eliminate stress completely, once you know the cause; your life will run smoother and you will enjoy it the more, calmness and patience are the best dose. 

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