Saturday, September 23, 2017


Water is an essential mineral and a health drink from mother nature, it is calorie free, clear, colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid when in its pure state and above all it is essential to life. You live healthy and better when you take water as recommended, yet few people follow the advice to drink as much as 8 to 10 cups of water each day.

It has been discovered that people drink water for different reasons;

Some drink water only when they are thirsty.

Some drink water only when they are dehydrated.

Some drink water only when they eat.

Some drink water when they are constipated.

Some drink water when they have hangovers.

While some enjoy taking water freely.

Lots of people out of ignorance have substituted water for carbonated and alcoholic drinks, but the truth remains that nothing can take the place of water

Drinking water make good sence, because water is a natural medicinal gift from God.

Health benefits of water

1. Water detoxify, rejuvenate and hydrate body cells

2. Increases blood oxygen level and nutrients absorption

3. Makes the skin look healthy and younger, thereby reducing the effect of wrinkle and aging, also eliminates body odour

4. Dissolves calcium in urine and reverse uric acid in gout, making it excellent for kidneys

5. Enhance immunity and assist in pain relieve

6. Energises the body to be less fatigue and reduces stress level

7. Water help the body to maintain it's fluid during frequent and excessive bowel movement

8. Reduces hunger and help in weight loss

9. Reduces cardiovascular stress and improves heart performance

10. Boost muscles, cushion the joints and prevent cramps and sprains

Water cures, water is good, water is liquid of life and nothing else can ever take it's place. Everyone who desire to stay strong and healthy must have an abundant supply of clean water each day.

Water therapy

Water has been used as a valuable therapeutic agent since time immemorial, it is an important measure in maintenance of health and prevention of diseases

Best time to drink water

1. Drink water early morning as you step out of bed; this will purify the colon and  help lubricate the digestive system for proper functioning making it easy for digestion of nutrients

2. Few minutes before you take your bath; to regulate body temperature and blood pressure

3. Drink water 20 minutes before and after each meal; for easy digestion

4. If you must drink water during meal; take hot or lukewarm water to aid digestion, cold water slows down digestion rate

5. Take water freely during the day time for rejuvenation and total overhauling of the body

6. Drink water 2 hours before bedtime; to aid digestion and bathe the cells while you sleep

When you do not take enough water the body will experience lots of crises; With dehydration; more water is moving out of individual cells and then out of the body than the amount of water that is taken in through drinking. Medically, dehydration  means the lost of body fluid that makes the body to lose its ability to function normally and then begins to produce symptoms related to the fluid loss.

We lose water every day in the form of water vapor in the breath we exhale, and as water in our sweat, also in our urine, and stool, along with the water, small amounts of salts or electrolytes are also lost.

Our bodies are constantly readjusting the balance between water and salts losses with fluid intake. When we lose too much water, our bodies comes out of balance and this may cause crises for the individual if not immediately taken care of.

Three stages Of water dehydration:
1. Mild

2. Moderate

3. Severe

Mild and moderate dehydration can be reversed or put back in balance by water  intake, especially water that contain electrolytes (salt) that are lost during activity. If unrecognized and untreated, some instances of moderate and severe dehydration can lead to death.

Symptoms of dehydration

*Increased thirst

*Dry mouth


*Decreased urine output


*Dry skin


*Blurred vision


*Always feeling sleepy

Signs of dehydration
Two early signs of dehydration are thirst and dark-coloured urine.
This is the body's way of telling the individual to increase water intake, it may seem hard to start but if you try, you will quickly get use to enjoying a clean and refreshing drink from mother nature.

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