Tuesday, October 31, 2017


The body's alkaline and acid balance affects the overall wellbeing of every individual, the acidity and alkaline balance exist for certain metabolic process to take place in the body, diseases thrives in an acidic state and are less likely to live in an alkaline state.
When the acidity of the body increases, the body will fight back to produce it's own alkaline mineral resources to maintain the pH needed, these minerals include sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, the body will stripped itself of these minerals just to establish balance by neutralizing the acidic state and safely remove it from the body.
The fluids and tissues do not stay in fluctuating states of "too acidic" or "too alkaline" because the body will fight it's way towards balance, but when the acidic state is constantly dominating and remain higher than the alkaline, disease can set in and a condition known as acidosis occurs.

What is acid, base (alkaline) pH and pH scale?

An acid is any ionic compound that releases hydrogen ions (H+) in solution.
Ionic compounds are molecules held together by ionic chemical bonds that result from the attraction of oppositely charged atoms called ions

  • 1. Weak acids - release fewer hydrogen ions and have a sour taste
  • 2. Strong acids - releases more hydrogen ions and are highly corrosive, the more hydrogen ion in the substance the more corrosive

Alkaline also known as base are compounds that release Hydroxyl ions (OH-) in solution

  •  Weak base - have a bitter taste, the more hydroxyl ions in a solution the more alkaline it is
The pH
The pH is an abbreviation for potential of hydrogen

The pH scale
The pH scale is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity if a solution, It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. The midpoint of 7.0 on the scale represents neutrality meaning it is neither acid nor alkaline, numbers below 7.0 indicates acidity, while numbers greater than 7.0 indicates alkalinity.

Acids and alkaline forming food

The food we eat has the ability to change the body's pH, when we eat acidic diet, it causes acidity in the body and as a result causes a buildup of acid in the cells which in turn decreases energy production and lead to inability of the body to repair damaged cells and detoxify heavy metals, making one become susceptible to chronic fatigue and diseases like cancer and heart disease.
When the body is constantly feed with alkaline food it will maintain the acid base balance. 
An alkalizing body restores and maintain good health and the body enjoy sound and uninterrupted healthy life. 

Blood pH
Blood is normally slightly alkaline with a pH range of 7.35 to 7.45, for the body to function properly it maintains the pH close to 7.40, an important property of blood is its degree of acidity and alkalinity, and this is referred to as acid base balance. 
The blood pH has a serious effect on the body system, if the pH deviates too far in either direction, cells become poisoned by their own toxic waste and die. An imbalance pH can cause serious health problem and can lead to progression of degenerative diseases, like inflammatory disorders which often increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Acid base disorders or blood pH imbalance is often time promoted by bad diet and stress.
Good acid base balance and blood pH levels promotes:
  1. Cardiovascular system health
  2. Healthy cholesterol levels
  3. Healthy blood sugar balance
  4. Proper fat metabolism
  5. Weight loss
  6. Normal energy balance
  7. Proper cleansing and repair of tissues
  8. Disease resistance
  9. The body's ability to flush toxins
Factors contributing to blood pH imbalance

  1. Food
  2. Water
  3. Stress
  4. Sleep deprivation
  5. Anxiety
  6. Low level of oxygen in the blood

Water pH 
The pH value of water is a good indicator of whether water is hard or soft, the pH of pure, clean, odourless and tasteless water is 7. Lower than 7 is acidic and greater is alkaline.
Acidic water cotains metal ions such as iron, manganese, copper, lead and zinc, these makes acid water contains high levels of toxic metals and health risk are associated with toxins.

Benefits of alkaline water

  1. Increases metabolism
  2. Cleanses the colon
  3. Boost immunity
  4. Eliminate free radicals
  5. Remove fatigue
  6. Protect bone
  7. Hydrating and refreshing
  8. Neutralize acid in the bloodstream
  9. Improve oxygen level
  10. Improve microcirculation
  11. Increase energy level 
  12. Activate cells
Spice up your water to get maximum benefit by
  1. Drinking lemon water
  2. Adding bicarbonate of soda to your drinking water 
  3. Drinking alkaline water

Balancing your pH is considered to be the most important thing for your health.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Gastritis is an inflammation caused by irritation on the lining of the stomach, which makes the lining red and swollen. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes, which help break down food for digestion, and produces mucus which protect the stomach lining from acid. When the stomach lining is inflamed it produces less acid, enzymes and mucus making it vulnerable for bacteria to thrive, gastritis may be acute or chronic depending on the severity of the inflammation.
Peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the stomach, it is a disease caused by a bacteria Helicobacter pylori. The bacteria produces substances that weaken the mucous lining and cause the stomach to get burned. Peptic ulcer can be classified into; gastric ulcer, duodenum ulcer and esophagus ulcer, depending on the area of attack.

Gastritis differs from peptic ulcer, though they are closely related and have similar symptoms, this is why a lay man will refer to gastritis as ulcer, but the fact remains that an untreated gastritis can progress into peptic ulcer or stomach cancer.

Common symptoms of gastritis and peptic ulcer
  1. Nausea
  2. Indigestion
  3. Bloating
  4. Belching
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. Abdominal pain
  7. Vomiting
  8. Weight loss
  9. Heartburn

Gastritis is the body's response to an infection with helicobacter pylori, in the early stages of infection, the body attempt to flush the infection out of the stomach by increasing production of gastric acids. The bacterium is highly acid resistant, it find it way to the stomach wall and reduces acid production in the stomach which can create the low acid conditions in which other viral of fungal infection can flourish.
Acute gastritis
This occurs immediately an irritating chemical enters the stomach, which becomes toxic to the stomach lining
Chronic gastritis
Chronic gastritis is a condition that makes you feel full after eating just a few bites. It slowly occur over time as opposed to acute gastritis which occurs suddenly, in some cases it is associated with ulcer and may increase the risk for stomach cancer

Gastritis symptoms
Most people with gastritis do not have any symptoms, but some may experience the following symptoms:
  1. Belching
  2. Eating very little and feeling full
  3. Vomiting with clear, green or yellow substance
  4. All symptoms under common symptom above
Chronic gastritis is a risk factor for peptic ulcer disease and malignant gastric tumors

Who is at risk?
Everyone is at risk:
  1. When your diet increase the acidic content of your stomach
  2. When you frequently eat large amounts of fats and oil
  3. If you eat lots of citrus fruits
  4. If you drink too much of coffee
  5. If you frequently get hungry
  6. If you get hungry suddenly especially while chewing gum
  7. If you live a stressful and traumatic life
  8. If you get angry all the time because it increase the acid in your stomach
  9. If you have a weak immune system
Peptic ulcer
Peptic ulcer is an open sore that develop on the lining of the stomach, the esophagus and the upper part of the small intestine (duodenum) it occurs when acid in the digestive tracts eat the inner surface of the stomach or small intestine and cause an ulcer to form, the acid can create a painful open sore that may bleed
Gastric ulcer
Gastric ulcer occurs on the inside of the stomach
Duodenal ulcer
Duodenal ulcer occurs on the inside of the upper portion of the small intestine
Esophagus ulcer
This occurs in the lower end of the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach, called esophagus. It is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or diseases that make the immune system weak and often associated with bad case of acid reflux

Peptic ulcer signs and symptoms
  1. Burning stomach pains
  2. Fatty food intolerance
  3. Trouble breathing
  4. Blood in stool
  5. Blood in vomit
  6. Black stool with unusual colour
  7. All symptoms under common symptoms above
Risk factor of peptic ulcer
  1. H. pylori bacteria infection
  2. Tobacco use
  3. Alcohol use
  4. Spicy food
  5. Peppery food
  6. Untreated stress
  7. Nonsteroidal drugs, e.g aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 
These factors do not cause ulcers but can make it worse and difficult to treat and heal

  1. Factors that increase risk should be avoided, in order to reduce stomach irritation and to allow stomach to heal fast
  2. Avoid the use of aspirin and other non inflammatory drugs
  3. Psychological distress should be addressed
  4. Avoid spicy foods, coffee, smoking and alcohol
  1. Herbs: cucumber, ginger, aloe vera gel, turmeric 
  2. Water stops irritation and heals
  3. Alkaline rich diets 
  4. Exercise 
  5. Acupuncture  therapy 

Foods and drugs to avoid
  1. Fried foods
  2. Processes foods
  3. Junk foods
  4. Acidic foods
  5. Coffee
  6. Alcohol
  7. Smoking
  8. Carbonated drinks
  9. Aspirin, ibuprofen etc
  10. Hot chilli pepper
  11. All fries

You can live gastritis and ulcer free life if only you are able to detect those foods that irritate your stomach and walk away from them

Sunday, October 22, 2017


The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth, it is a pink tissue called mucosa, covered with moist and tiny bumps called papillae which give the tongue its rough texture, thousand of taste buds covers the surfaces of the papillae, the taste buds are collection of nerves like cells that connect to nerves running into the brain. The four common tastes of the tongue are sweet, sour, bitter and salty, a fifth taste called umame results from tasting glutamate (present in MSG) the tongue has many nerves that help detect and transmit taste signal to the brain, because of this all parts of the tongue can detect this four common tastes.

Tongue functions
      1.  Taste: the tongue allow you detect taste
      2.  Mastication: the tongue is used for crushing food against the hard palate
      3.  Lubrication: the tongue produce and secretes fluid for the saliva
      4.  Swallowing: the tongue moves food to help you chew and swallow
      5.  Speech: the tongue aids in the formation of speech and sound
      6.  Diagnosis: tells you if you are sick or healthy

Healthy tongue
A healthy tongue is pink and covered with small nodules called papillae, any deviation from your tongue normal appearance or any pain on the tongue is a course for concern. For clues on your tongue; check your tongue on a daily basis when you brush your teeth and tongue, any discoloration, lumps, sores or pain should be monitored and evaluated.

Unhealthy tongue
Unhealthy tongue can be frustrating and uncomfortable and this may be because of some health problems, there are variety of causes for a number of common tongue symptoms, in some cases it can indicate more serious health conditions including vitamin deficiencies, AIDS or oral cancer.

Tongue 'n' health
The tongue has relationship and connection with the body, this makes it important and one of the major pillars of diagnosis, the others pillars of diagnosis are the pulse, the eyes, the nails etc. The tongue present strong visual indications of a persons overall health during inspection for confirmation of diagnosis.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the tongue has a special relationship with the heart, in that the heart is open to the tongue, a normal and healthy tongue in Traditional Chinese Medicine has a light red or pinkish body with a thin white coating.
In TCM the condition of the tongue is influenced by daily lifestyle and provides information about individual states of health.
    1.  Crack tongue denotes internal dryness
    2.  Tooth imprints reflects spleen deficiency
    3.   Coating colours:
 *  white - stagnation of blood, fat and mucus deposition or                 weakness in the blood leading to anaemia
 *  Pale - indicates low hemoglobin, fatigue and weakness, it is also associated with pain in     the lungs and colon
 *  Dark red - indicates inflammation, lesions or ulceration and degeneration of related              organs
 *  Bright red - indicates your body lack essential nutrients like Vit. B complex and iron
 *  Yellow - reflects disorders of liver and gallbladder resulting in excess secretion of  
   bile and possible inflammation
 *  Purple blue - indicates stagnation of blood circulation and a weakening of the  
   part of the digestive system that correspond to the area of the tongue where the
   colour appears
 *  Purple green - reflects disorders of blood vessels, blood quality and circulation
 *  Purple - reflects disorders of the lymphatic and circulatory system, it indicates a
   weakening of the immune system and blood vessels

TCM diagnosis
  1. Tongue tip: reflects the condition of the heart
  2. Tongue inner tip: reflects the condition of the lung
  3. Tongue center: reflects the condition of stomach and spleen
  4. Tongue sides: reflects the condition of the liver and gall bladder
  5. Back of tongue: reflects the condition of kidneys, bladder and intestines

Pain in the tongue
A number of different conditions can result in pain or the presence of abnormalities like bumps, ulcers, sores, swelling, or burning of the tongue, problems can result from infections, tumors, chronic medical conditions, trauma or toxins, inflammation may occur on any part of the tongue

Causes of pain
  1. Fever                                              
  2. Mouth ulcers 
  3. Dry mouth                                      
  4. Oral cancer
  5. Dehydration                        
  6. Burnt tongue
  7. Candida infection                          
  8. Leukoplakia
  9. Diabetic neuropathy.                    
  10. Minor infection or irritations
  11. Pain from the heart.                     
  12. Smoking
  13. Injury such as biting the tongue 

Colour changes 
Colour changes may occur when;
  1. The tongue is inflamed
  2. Papillae are lost, causing tongue to appear smooth
  3. When the individual is lacking vitamin B12
  4. Geographic tongue; is a patchy form of glossitis where the location of inflammation and the appearance of the tongue changes from day to day

Some causes of tongue swelling
A swollen or enlarged tongue indicates presence of a problem which could be any the following:
  1.  Infection
  2.  Leukemia
  3.  Hypothyroidism
  4.  Strep infection
  5.  Angioedema
  6.  Amyloidosis
  7.  Allergic reaction to food and medicines

Tongue indications
*  Tongue body colour
*  Tongue body shape
*  Tongue body features
*  Tongue body moisture
*  Tongue body coating
*  Tongue coat thickness
*  Tongue body cracks
*  Tongue coat root

Self examination
Practice the act of daily self examination
The tongue and floor of the mouth are the two important sites to always check on.

Tongue health
Brush your tongue softly each day, be careful not to destroy the papillae with hard brush

Enjoy a healthy tongue

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Abdominal bloating is a gas buildup that causes swelling or distention of the abdomen, it is a problem that have no age respect because it happens to people of all ages, it is sometimes painful and most times causes inconveniences to the individual. Bloating pain are usually sharp and comes with stomach cramps it is sometimes mistaken for heart pain when its developed on the upper side of the chest.
Bloating are usually tied to the foods we eat and how we eat, with most people, poor diet and high level of stress is the cause but a few simple changes in lifestyle may help solve the problem
A bloated tummy is embarrassing, it makes the stomach protrude, feel full, gassy, making the individual uncomfortable and sometimes having pain.

Gas can be buildup in the abdomen:
1. In the process of eating or drinking
2. As food is being digested
3. While Chewing gum
4. Drinking through straw
5. Eating in a hurry
6. Eating and talking
7. Through carbonated drinks
8. By the bacteria produced in the gut
9. Smoking
10. Alcohol
11. Over eating

Some causes of bloating
1. Flatulence
2. Food intolerance
3. Heartburn and Acid reflux
4. Constipation
5. Hormonal problem
6. Infection
7. Dehydration
8. Indigestion
9. Irritable bowel syndrome

1. Flatulence
This is a medical term for releasing gas from the digestive system through the anus commonly known as farting or gassing. Flatulence is a natural part of digestion caused by gas producing bacteria in the intestinal tract, it is very common because we all accumulate gas in our digestive system, but if it becomes excessive it should be investigated because there may be an underlying medical cause.

2. Food intolerance
A great number of people experience food intolerance, this leads to excess gas buildup causing bloating in the abdomen, these are foods in the categories of; lactose, fructose, eggs, wheat, gluten rich foods etc.

3. Heartburn and Acid reflux
Heartburn is a gastrointestinal painful sensation in the chest that is caused by reflux, it occurs when a valve at the bottom of the esophagus, the tube that leads to the stomach is weak, this allows stomach acid to reflux or flow back into the esophagus, causing the intense burning of heartburn. Heartburn has different triggers and these are different for each individual

4. Constipation
This is a common gastrointestinal problem, it occurs when toxins from stool is reabsorbed into the blood stream, simple lifestyle changes such as exercise, stepping up on fiber rich foods with lots of fruits and vegetables can go a long way in alleviating constipation, it may sometimes get worse and require help to release the feces and reduce the amount of bloating.

5. Hormonal problem
Generally common in women, it could happen during pregnancy or just before the monthly period when the level of progesterone and estrogen hormones are raised above normal. This can slow down food movement in the a thereby leading to bloating. It could also happen during menopause and with women having fibroids. Eating fruits, drinking lots of water with a little exercise is enough to deal with the situation

6. Infection
You can become bloated if you are dealing with infection caused by elevated White blood cell count around the pelvic, urinary and gastrointestinal organs

7. Dehydration
Dehydration and electrolytes imbalance disturbs digestion and causes bloating

8. Indigestion
Lots of things can affect gut health and the ability to metabolize food properly, eating habits and digestive problems is one of the cause and a serious issue in bloating

9. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
IBS is a digestive disorder found more often in women than in men, it is a problem that causes the squeezing of the intestine too hard or not hard enough and cause food to move too little or too slowly through the intestine with serious abdominal pain in the form of cramps, aches or sharp burning stabs.

Some food that causes bloating
1. Beans
2. Boiled eggs
3. Broccoli
4. Dairy products
5. Rich fatty foods
6. Foods you are intolerant to
7. Some carbohydrates that are not easily digested
8. Some food that takes a long time to digest thereby building up gas that leads to unpleasant smell associated with flatulence

1. Swollen abdomen
2. Abdomen tightness
3. Abdomen fullness
4. Abdominal pain
5. Heartburn
6. Vomiting
7. Severe gas
8. Constipation
9. Bloody stool
10. Diarrhea

Caution and Traeatment
1. Identify foods that causes you gas buildup agas
reduce their frequency
2. Eat less at a time to help your digestive process
3. Chew your food properly
4. A little exercise each day will do
5. Beat down your stress level
6. Eat early to avoid heartburn
7. Increase your fluid intake
8. Lifestyle changes
9. Activated charcoal is good, it will absorb the buildup gas
10. Ginger is a digestive boost
11. Colon detoxification

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Salt also known as sodium chloride is essential to good health and is vital to our existence because it supplies electrolytes to the body. Salt is used for seasoning and preservation of foods, but when in excess it has an excellent chance of interfering with our system, it can also be addictive; that even with all the salt in a meal some people will still prefer adding table salt to their meals, salt is also disease promoting; it's acidifying with the body makes it difficult for the body to maintain it's alkalinity.
Salt /water ratio is good for metabolic rate of the body; it facilitates the transmission of signals in the nerves and muscles and help sustain fluid contents inside and outside the blood cells.  High salt intake is dangerous to health because of its damaging effects on the heart and other organs. 

Health benefits of salt
1. Helps digestive system to absorb nutrients
2. Promotes insulin sensitivity
3. Good for oral rehydration
4. Improves metabolism
5. Maintain dental hygiene
6. Prevent iodine deficiency
7. Cures cystic fibrosis
8. Treat sore throat
9. Relieves muscle pain

Ingesting too much salt will lead to:
1. Water retention
2. Cardiovascular problems
3. Osteoporosis
4. Dehydration
5. Cancer
6. Kidney Stone
7. Diabetes
8. Mineral depletion

1. Water retention
If your salt intake is high the kidneys hold back on releasing water for urine in order to dilute the excess salt around the cells and in the blood stream, this may results in an increased blood volume due to water retention and the symptoms include edema (swelling from excessive accumulation of fluid from the cells)

2. Cardiovascular problems
High salt intake Is bad for the heart, it is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, it increases the volume of blood in the blood stream, thickening the blood vessels and forming blood clots, reducing the heart ability to pump blood around the body and making the heart to work harder by putting more pressure on blood vessels, the extra work and pressure stiffen the blood vessels leading to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and it can also lead to heart failure

3. Osteoporosis
High salt intake is bad for the bones, the amount of calcium that the body loses through urination increases with the amount of salt you eat, if calcium is in short supply in the blood, it can leach out calcium from the bones to make out for that which is lost  making bones week and prone to breaking thereby causing the disease known as osteoporosis

4. Dehydration
High salt intake will make you experience dehydration making you excrete too much water into your urine, the extra salt you consume will need extra water to balance it out, it will look for a way to pull out water from within the cells, you will then experience extreme thirst, nausea, dizziness, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea

5. Cancer
High salt intake is linked to an increase in stomach cancer because it damages the lining of the stomach, making it vulnerable for bacteria that causes inflammation and lead to tumour growth

6. Kidney stone
High salt intake raises the amount of salt in the blood stream and reduce the ability of the kidneys to remove water, causes too much calcium to be excreted by the kidneys into the urine; leading to calcium buildup and therefore causing kidney stones

7. Diabetes
High salt intake can raise the risk of developing diabetes by raising blood pressure

8. Mineral depletion
High salt intake depletes essential minerals the body needs for proper functioning like calcium, potassium and magnesium

People at risk of high salt consumption
1. Senior adults (50 years and above)
2. People with elevated blood pressure
3. Diabetic patients
4. Pregnant women

Potassium is one of the minerals for the normal functioning of the body system, it helps in kidney health, maintains blood pressure by neutralising the effect of excess salt in food, it also help to balance the inflow of nutrients into the body cells and the evacuation of waste from body cells. Potassium simply beats down the effect of sodium in our system and help relax blood vessels, excrete the salt and decrease blood pressure


Table salt or better still adding extra salt in cooked food is very dangerous to health, it causes serious overburden on the excretive organs, which can lead to tissue damage and cell death. The body recognizes it in food as un natural and aggressive toxin, then triggers the process of expelling it from the body, the best thing is to stay away from table salt or the idea of adding extra salt to already cooked food.

The keys are:
* Enjoy your meal with less salt
* Stop adding salt to your cooked meal

Thursday, October 5, 2017


The bone gives shape and support to the body, protects the body's internal organs and performs movements, the bones are also responsible for storing and releasing vital minerals  like, calcium, phosphorous, fluoride, etc. it is a living tissue that rebuild constantly throughout our life time. Calcium is very vital to bone health and it's deficiency in the body can result to health condition called osteoporosis.
The food we eat provide nutrients to build strong bones, but unhealthy food sap the bones of vital nutrients, and block the bone ability to regenerate and strengthen itself, making bone to be diseased and easy to break.

In our today's world, foods do not get to our tables as fresh as they should be and with the help of our careless lifestyle most people settled for processed foods which are bone related health issues because of calcium deficiency. Processed foods contains a great amount of sodium used for their preservation, thereby making it bone damaging; though sweet to taste. Our bones need care, but rather than supporting them with the right kinds of diet, we eat lots of junk foods that are detrimental to our bone health.
Diets that are rich in vitamin D and calcium will go a long way in putting our bones in good working conditions. Calcium deficiency health condition is usually more evident in elderly people, most especially women.

Bone enemies
1. High sodium food
2. Low calcium diet
3. Coffee
4. Carbonated drink
5. Alcohol
6. Processed meat
7. Excessive intake of high protein
8. Inflammatory foods

High sodium food
Salt; when in excess interfere with the absorption of calcium in the body, causing calcium to be lost from bones through excretion in urine making bones weak and prone to breaking. If you love salty food, your bones will age and degenerate faster than your age because high salt diet makes them weak and fragile; increasing the possibilities of injury.

Low calcium diet
A low calcium diet will cause a withdrawal of calcium from bone bank, causing the bone to breakdown in order to keep the blood calcium level normal

Coffee is a bone killer; it sap the bones of nutrients making bone weak and diseased

Carbonated drinks
These contain a generous amount of phosphoric acid, it has no bone building nutrients but rather provide unhealthy amount of sugar which is of no benefit to health rather it weakens the bones and rot the teeth, it increases the rate at which calcium is excreted in the urine; denying the bones of calcium

Alcohol is a bone breaker; it makes bone weak and prone to breaking by blocking the bone ability to regenerate and strengthen itself, thereby killing the bone

Processed meat
The salt content of foods such as corn beef, burgers, fries, and hot dogs do not favour the absorption of calcium in the body

Excessive intake of high protein
Protein are good for the bones but not when in excess, beans for instance contain phytates which counter the absorption of calcium in the body, Nutritionists advise that beans be soaked for at least an hour before they are cooked in fresh water

Inflammatory foods
Inflammatory foods such as mushrooms should be eaten with other calcium food source

Bone friendly foods/minerals
Healthy food make strong bones and prevent bone loss

Alkaline diet
These are good source to treat and manage some diseases because they have the potency to affect the pH and acidity rate of the body

Calcium rich foods
Calcium is bone friendly, it can help build stronger bones it is a mineral that is essential for life.

Phosphorus is essential to living things; DNA, RNA, and energy transfer in body cells it helps in absorption and functioning of food nutrientsnutrients

A vital mineral for the normal functioning of the body, it neutralize the effect of excess salt in our diet

Vitamin D
Essential for growth and mineralization of bones, helps improve body's ability to absorb calcium

Water maintains bone health and tonify the muscles for better function

Regular physical exercise strengthens the bones and helps protect you against the effects of osteoporosis later in life

To beat the danger of calcium deficient foods, there should be a major turnaround in our food choices; a well balanced diet with more of low fat, fruits, dark green vegetables and dairy foods will do the trick. Multivitamin supplements are adviced where you can not get enough from the above.
Please note: the more fats you consum the less calcium the food contains
We need to be aware of the basic needs of the bone; to regenerate their strength and flexibility, don't forget that bone health is considered important to ageing gracefully. Feed your bones and enjoy a healthy life.

Monday, October 2, 2017


Sleep disorder which simply means sleep problem is a monster we face most times due to lots of things we go through which may include; urban cities hustling and bustling, this has remain part of our everyday life; our social lifestyle, advance technology, medical challenges family issues and even financial challenges. A sleep disorder can affect our overall health and quality of life making us unproductive or not maximizing our full productive potential, it affects all ages but more of adults than children because sleep requirement diminish with ageing.
Mental tension is the most common cause and is brought about by worries, anxiety, overwork, over excitement, anger and bitterness.

Common sleep disorders
1. Sleep apnea
2. Snoring
3. Insomnia
4. Hypersomnia
5. Jet lag
6. Restless leg syndrome
7. Pregnancy
8. Menopause

Sleep apnea
This is a serious sleep disorder, it occurs when an individual breathing stopped for a short period during sleep because of a narrowed airway and this can happen several times in a night

This is a noisy breathing during sleep, it can cause serious sleep disorder for both the snorer and partner, the narrower the airway the greater the vibration and the louder the snoring

This is an unpleasant sleep habit, it can be a complicated sleep disorder, that can be caused by physical and psychological factors and sometimes an underlying medical conditions

It is a chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming day time drowsiness and sleepiness

Jet lag
This is a sleep disorder that affect those who travel across multiple time zone, it occurs when the body internal clock is out of order with cues from new time zone

Restless leg syndrome
It is a disorder in the part of the nervous system that causes an urge to move the legs while sleeping and so interfere with sleep

This disorder is caused by frequent trip to the bathroom because of the pressure of the utrus on vital organs

Hormonal changes, hot flushes, sweating, physical and emotional discomfort are all sleep disorder symptoms in menopaus syndrome

These are just few disorders amongst many, but it is good to know that sleep disorder deprives a person of mental rest and thereby interfere with daily activities, it constitute a severe health hazard when it becomes a habit.

Symptoms of sleep disorder
* Emotional instability
* Loss of coordination
* Lapses of memory
* Lack of concentration
* Persistence changes in sleep pattern
* Dramatic changes in the duration and quality of sleep

Effects of sleep disorder

Some tips to help get over sleep disorders
1. Stop caffeine intake
2. Get a better mattress
3. Don't drink too much water at night
4. Reduce noise in your bedroom
5. Don't watch T.V, or work on PC prior to your bedtime
6. Eliminate as many stress fact
7. Do breathing exercise before sleep
8. Reduce light effects in your bedroom
9. Do not eat late in the night
10. Eat healthy diet and light meal for dinner
11. Take a warm bath before bedtime
12. A gentle massage will be fine before bedtime
13. Do not exercise close to bedtime

Self massage of the governor's point DU 20 in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an effective alternative remedy for sleep disorder, or you rub gently the center of your palms
An acupuncturist can include extra 6 and heart 7.

Sleeping pills
This can deprive a person of mental rest, and interfere with normal brain functioning by clouding thinking and memory; causing poor quality sleep, drug dependency and feeling of loss of control, it can also constitute a severe health hazards

Psychiatric problem and sleep disorders are closely related but are not  the same, it will be a great injustice to humanity to treat everyone with sleep disorders as a mentally challenged patient.
Sleep disorder hijacks the body's effective control and put the body at great risk, learn to have control over your body by sleeping your way to good health and you will be glad you do.


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by viruses, toxic substances, excess deposition of fat, allergic reactions or overdoses...