Monday, December 11, 2017


When everything is functioning properly, the body stays in a state of balance and homeostasis, but when the body is not working right; aches, pains and discomfort takes over the body and a sensation of distress is transmitted to the nerves which inturn sends signals to the brain and body that something is not working right. Pain can make one incapable of performing daily activities in personal and professional areas, making one incapacitated and unproductive.
Pain is a general symptom in medical conditions and can be classified into two categories depending on the severity

Types of pain
  1. Acute pain
  2. Chronic pain  
Acute pain
Acute pain occurs when there is tissue damage it is also a sign of any physical damage or sickness in the body, in most cases it does not last a longer than 3 months when the initial injury has healed, it can range from mild to severe depending on the extent of tissue damag, it is also the result of the body doing everything it can to protect and heal an injured area. If acute pain is not treated it may become chronic pain and can affect happy and healthy life.
Chronic pain
Chronic pain is pain that persist after the original injury has healed sometimes there maybe no experience of injury yet a person experiencing chronic pain will still feel discomfort that ranges from mild to excruciating pain, the result of chronic pain is stiffness, limited motion and overall reduction in quality of life.
All of these falls under both acute and chronic pain:
  1. Visceral pain - pain arising from internal organs
  2. Neuropathic pain - pain caused by damage to nerves in the nervous system, often described as burning, shooting or stabbing
  3. Somatic pain - pain felt due to stimuli such as burning or crushing
  4. Nociceptive pain - pain more likely to be spontaneous like electric shock or burning
  5. Hyperalgesia pain - increased pain from a stimulus that normally provoke pain.

Causes of pain
  1. Nerve damage
  2. Tissue damage
  3. Muscle damage
  4. Illness
  5. Injuries
  6. Aging
  7. Surgery
  8. Burns and cuts
  9. Poor posture
  10. Overweight
  11. Wearing uncomfortable shoes
  12. Sleeping on bad mattress
  13. Some diseases 
  14. Pinched nerves
  15. Lifting heavy weight etc.
Pain affects a lot of people for many reasons, it can also obstruct a persons quality of life and general functioning, in the condition of musculoskeletal twinge one may not find relief easily especially if the pain increase day after day due to lack of effective treatment. 
Muscle pain is commonly caused due to muscle inflexibility, muscle tremor, muscle fault, disturbances of bones, muscle spasticity, wear and tear of the tissues from time to time, this unbearable pain makes one feeble and irritating.

Pain pathway and degree of pain

Pain is a vital function of the nervous system in providing the body with a warning of potential or actual injury. 
It messages travel from the nerve endings of injury site  which is the receptor pain signal to the spinal cord, the spinal cord then send the messages through the brainstem to the brain. 
Any pain or ache in any part of the body could be a result of an ailment existing in another part of the body this is known as reffered pain, this could mean that the pain or wound we sometimes pass as normal or just nothing can be serious health issues.
Knowing your body is as important as knowing your abc, do not ignore any sign your body tries to give you through pain.
The degree of pain vary from mild to moderate to severe to very severe.

Pain you must not ignore
  1. Sudden head or neck pain
  2. Muscle cramp or muscle pull
  3. Sharp back and ankle pain 
  4. Fatigue
  5. Extreme levels of hunger
  6. Feeling light headed
  7. Relentless shin pain
Pains to watch out for to avoid any serious health issues
  1. Heart - Pain in the chest area, around the heart and reffered pain shooting down the left arm or in the upper middle portion of the back, these are the symptoms of heart disease
  2. Lung and diaphragm - Pain in one side of the neck or upper shoulder area is caused by issues with lungs and diaphragm
  3. Liver and gall bladder - Pain in the neck or upper shoulder areas and in the right side of the body below the nipple are caused by both the liver and the gall bladder
  4. Stomach and pancreas - Pain in the upper part of the naval of the right side of the stomach and the lower part of the thoracic  may mean serious organ issues
  5. Small intestine - Pain in the abdominal area near the belly button indicates small intestine issues
  6. Colon and appendix - Appendicitis and problems with the colon often show themselves with referred pain in this specific areas of the abdomen
  7. Kidneys - Kidney problem cover a large area of the body that includes the lower back, abdomen, pelvis and other portions of the legs
  8. Bladder - Serious bladder problems can be traced if you experience pain on the lower pelvis, on the front or back side
  9. Ovary - Ovarian cysts can cause sharp, stabbing pain usually on one side of the abdomen
Body pain can be treated without the use of drugs but in most cases we want immediate relief from the pain so we tend to go for over the counter drugs which we brand as analgesics or pain relievers, and they come in various forms. These medicines may offer quick relief from pain, but they also come with their side effects such as; insomnia, stomach agony, ulcers, nausea, fast heart beats, difficulty in swallowing, and difficulty breathing, while its constant usage can cause liver and kidney damage and increase blood pressure, according to WHO.
Pain is treated depending on the cause of the pain and this include:
  • Herbs and spices e.g clove, turmeric, ginger
  • Food and fruits e.g pineapple, apple
  • Chiropractic care
  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Relaxation technique
  • Electrical stimulation (TIENS) 
  • Hot and cold water bags
  • Massaging
  • Physical exercise
Pain! Pain!! Pain!!!
Pain is the worst guest a body could have
Uninvited guest that tend to stay longest
And also demand the most attention
It disregards whatever your plan for the day is
You cannot even excuse yourself for a minute
It reaps through every muscle and burns through your bones
It teases you and laugh in your face
It dares you to pray it away, medicate it away, wish it away
But the one good thing pain does is;
It reveals to you who you really are
It reveals to you the state of your health
It helps you to tidy up the loose screws
Though not invited, it is the best scanner to your health 

Before it stops you

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