Saturday, February 10, 2018


Breast cancer is the cancer that develop from breast cells, it usually start off in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk, the breast cells become cancerous because of the mutation of the cells which increases without control. A malignant tumor can spread to other parts of the body if not immediately arrested, it is said that every tumor is cancerous except when proved otherwise, every case of tumor should be well investigated and approprate messure should be taken to arrest or stop the growth of this deadly disease. There are many types of breast cancer with stages, a breast cancer that started off in the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma, while the one that develop from the ducts is called ductal carcinoma. Breast cancer mostly occurs in females except for few men that are bursty. The rate of breast cancer are much higher in developed countries and the reasons for this is simply lifestyle and toxic load.
A mature human female breast consist of fat, convective tissues and thousands of lobules tiny glands which produce milk, the milk of a breast feeding mother goes through tiny ducts and is delivered through the nipples. The breast like any other part of the body consist of millions of microscopic cells, this cells multiply in an orderly fashion, new cells are made to replace the ones that died, but in cancer the cells multiply uncontrollably.

Symptoms of breast cancer
The first symptoms are usually an area of thickened tissue in the woman's breast or a lump in some patients it may come as rash or swelling accompanied with pain, majority of lumps are not cancerous however a health check should be carried out. Symptoms are likely to be:
  1. A lump in the breast 
  2. Pain in the armpits 
  3. Pain in the breast that is not related to menstrual period
  4. Redness of the skin of the breast
  5. A rash around the nipple
  6. A swelling in one of the armpits
  7. An area of thickened tissue in the breast
  8. Milky discharge from the nipple when not breast feeding
  9. Bloody/water discharge from the nipple
  10. Changes in nipple appearance, it may be sunken or inverted
  11. Changes in size and shape of the breast
  12. Nipple or breast skin peeling, scaling of flaking
Risk factor
  1. Age: The older the woman, the higher her risk of developing breast cancer
  2. Genetic: Women who have close relatve with breast cancer are likely to develop it
  3. History of breast cancer: Women who have had breast cancer are more likely to develop it again
  4. Dense breast tissue: Women with fence breast tissues are likely to have cancer
  5. Estrogen exposure: Women who started having periods earlier or enter menopause later than usual have higher risk
  6. Obesity: Post menopausal obese and overweight women may have higher risk
  7. Alcohol consumption: The more alcohol a woman regularly drinks, the higher her risk
  8. Radiation exposure: Undergoing x-ray and CT scan may raise a woman risk of having breast cancer
  9. Hormone replacement therapy: This is a cause of higher risk in women for breast cancer
  10. Certain jobs: Jobs that bring the body into contact with possible carcinogens and endocrine disruptor are at risk
  11. Cosmetic implants: Women with breast implants are at higher risk
  12. High sugar intake: Increases the risk of breast cancer and hasten it's spread to the lungs
Breast examination

1. Inspection
You need a mirror to do this so as to see your own reflectionreflection
What to look out for:
  • Compare the size of both breast
  • Check for lump, changes on skin and color changes on breast
  • Is the nipple looking normal, retracted or going inside?
2. Palpitation
  • Palpitate in a circular motion 
  • Palpitate to the armpit
  • Palpitate standing and lying down
  • Palpitate when lifting up your hands
  • Check the nipple for discharge by pressing

Note: Monthly self examination after menstrual period 

Preventing breast cancer
Lifestyle changes can help reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer
  1. Change in diet
  2. Physical exercise
  3. Breastfeed your baby well
  4. Control your weight
  5. Stop alcohol
Side effects of Western treatment

1. Mammogram: Equipment used for screening for breast cancer
  • It increase the risk of developing breast cancer and raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth (Dr Charles B. Simone)
  • It provides false positive result and causes women to be exposed to additional x-rays, creating an environment of further stress 
2. Chemotherapy: 
Questionable chemotherapy drugs terribly toxic and highly expensive Dr. Lana Levi of University of California wrote "most cancer patients die of chemotherapy and not of the killer disease called cancer"

3. Radiotherapy: 
Though high energy radiation shrink tumor and kill cancer cells, the radiation also causes damage to healthy cells and tissues destroying the patients health completelly

Some herbal treatment

Breast cancer is a deadly disease that claims the life of millions of women around the world every year. Dr. Hadin B. Jones says women who refused conventional treatment lives four times longer than women who accept

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